Why aren't any of the victims of Clay Emkhe's purported sexual assault attacks pressing criminal charges? He shouldn't be tried in social media, as seems to currently be the case, but in criminal court with these victims coming forward. They didn't seem to be too intimidated or shy about putting their claims out there fearing that.... Clay deserves his day in court, just as they do. Their testimony under oath would carry more weight with real prosecutorial judgement and punishment at hand than going to IG and making claims.

Why would these women let this extend out, without taking him off the street to do it again....why would they wait until he is opening a restaurant ?

If you were assaulted, what would you do...I mean right afterwards? Wouldn't you want others to know immediately? Wouldn't you call the police and get him off the street.....or put it on IG ? Asking for justice here, on both sides.

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I can’t speak for any of the women or to the legalities of the situation. All I know is what transpired on social media and what happened after. But the accusations found enough purchase and corroboration in the local community for people to believe them.

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That is the entire premise of "To Kill a Mockingbird".

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OK, sure, though we also know that most incidents of sexual assault are not reported when people know each other, notably when there’s a power imbalance. Pursuing legal action against someone after the fact is all but impossible, and modern history has shown us so many examples of how predators get away with behaviors because victims are too intimidated/gaslit to come forward, especially in a work situation. Again, I only saw what happened on social media and spoke with several people involved. I’m not saying it’s fair for people to be “tried” this way, but it’s where we are.

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