Thoughtful examination of something you’d rather not see in the first place! Great article!

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Marvelous send up of my not-so-fav-experience. You gave it its just desserts. Or is it just candy to rot your teeth? At any rate, the little ones in costumes are cute, but teenagers in slasher clothes. Uh, please skip my house. You're too old for this!

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See you Friday night and of course Sunday for the booth shake! Sans the terror!

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I’m so with you with skipping the gores…

Ok to be a bit spooky but nobody needs blood or anything indicating violence in this already way too violent world… fun can be had without violence…

You know that if I could, I’d be joining your fun event on Sunday… after all, I’ve been called a witch by a few before anyway, which would make me legitimate of some sort! Enjoy the fun and send the good vibes my way!


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Same girl!! Life is scary enough - no horror movies for me. I'll be chomping candy and wearing my witch hat. The gory stuff can be left to the brave souls who can endure it!

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