Met Joyce and Cathy years ago, And hung out for years with them and Crawfish

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I was supposed to be on that WiSE sunset cruise last week since Thomas & Hutton were sponsors of Fish Gotta Swim, but I already had other plans and couldn't go. I regret not being able to see any of these celestial events! There are still more to come...

I was on the second to last ferry that left Sapelo Island last Saturday before the incident occurred during the last round of ferries leaving the island that day. I'm grateful for Hermina Glass-Hill and Teake Zuidema making it out alive, but my hearts that they and the others had to witness such a terrible tragedy. Survivor's remorse is real. It was an incredible festival with so much happiness. I am going to focus on the positive, but also do what I can to help the Hogg Hummock community.

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Other than the Gullah Geechee tragedy, your astral attractions are news to me. What a shame, knowing that these subjects are so much more interesting than what's on television! My loss. From someone who is always (yes, always) in knee-deep thought, head down as if a solution will present itself through the cracks in the sidewalk, I've learned that looking up more will help me make sense of these crazytimes. Thanks for the reminder, Jess.

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Wow! Awesome pics. Did u take those?✨🙌 Thx for the reminders💙🌝 Also so sad & heartbroken over the Sapelo tragedy.

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Great reminder in these crazy times that we are all together in this big old crazy world. <3

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Awesome photos❤️

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Mark took them!

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Loved this! My head has been in the stars since you were a girl!

Better than having it in Uranus.

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